Motivated in May

Thank you Jess over at I (Heart) Recess for inspiring me to write out some goals for this month.  We are expecting our second child in June and I’m feeling the 3rd trimester panic about getting everything in order.  Sometimes writing a few things down can help put things in perspective. (Deep Breath!)
Personal: I’m pretty sure this is some sort of nesting instinct, but I have an urge to purge things this month.  Those outdated winter boots that I never put on all season….the queen sheet sets that don’t fit our king bed….etc.  
Health:   I stay up way too late!  I’m just so bent on getting as much done as possible every night, that before I know it, it is midnight and I need to be up by 6am.  On the occasional nights that I force myself to bed earlier, I have SO much more energy the next day for exercise and I tend to avoid snacking between meals.  Ugh…I just wish there was more time in a day! 
Blogging:  There is so much to be learned from reading the work of other teacher-bloggers.  I’d really like to spend more time exploring the great ideas posted on people’s blogs and hopefully make a few new blogger buddies in the process.
School:  Preparing for a long-term sub is a pretty daunting task.  From organizing my cupboards to writing out plans, I’m trying to do whatever I can to make the new teacher’s job as easy as possible.  
Fun:  I know that it will be difficult to have time with my husband once we become a family of four, so I’ve scheduled a “mystery date” for mid-May.  We’ve been planning mystery dates since we met years ago and they are SO fun! (For budget reasons, we only do them a few times a year.) Here’s how it works:  Reserve a date and time (and babysitter if needed) and have your partner mark their calendar.  Do not provide ANY details about the date, other than appropriate attire.  Take them out for a night on the town but do not reveal each location until you arrive.  Some of our dates are simple, like a trip to the art gallery and wine tasting or dinner at a favorite restaurant and tickets to a hockey game.  I once told my husband to bring only his license and a credit card and I had a friend drop us off at the airport for a weekend trip to Florida! The look on his face when we pulled into the airport was priceless!
Wishing you all a May filled with motivation toward reaching your own goals!  Happy Teaching…