Can I use these doodle notes as bellringers or warm-up tasks? YES! Doodle Notes make fun and meaningful bellringers! Print the pages, share the links and assign the doodle pages in SMALL CHUNKS for your students!
Print the doodle pages that relate to the topics you are teaching.
Kids can glue them into a notebook or you can bind them into a bellringer booklet. (See this post for tips on making a doodle vocabulary notebook.)
Post the daily bellringer task and link for your students.
Here is an example of what you would post for your student directions:
Standard: ESS3-1 (this is listed in the top corner of each page)
Task: Read and emphasize NONRENEWABLE and complete the doodle task for this word.
Use this interactive link for help! (Post the link the interactive genially included with the doodle note file)
Each NGSS Doodle Note Standard comes with an interactive link for students to access while working on the page.

It is easy to take an NGSS doodle page and divide it up in to chunks. Take a look:

So what would this look like in your classroom?
Here is an example of how you might divide up the tasks for an 8th grade class studying ESS3-1:
•Note there is one link for the interactive that you would need to post on Monday which they could access all week.
Standard ESS3-1
Task: #1-3 Describe how humans depend on Earth
Standard ESS3-1
Task: Read and highlight Geological processes then complete the T-chart of positives and negatives of mining.
Standard ESS3-1
Task: Doodle and describe two reasons that some locations have more groundwater than others.
Standard ESS3-1
Task: Draw doodle arrows connecting the resource with the correct distribution description.
Standard ESS3-1
Task: List 4 global consequences of unevenly distributed resources
Here are some FREE AGENDA SLIDES you can use for posting your daily doodle note bellringers!

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