The gift of science…

I’ve been breaking my students up into smaller groups (2-3) this year and have seen much better group work results.  Although more time consuming when it comes to preparing materials, the level of student engagement is without a doubt much better.   I was finding it difficult to organize and distribute group supplies for 14 groups quickly using my old baskets, so here is my latest strategy!  I purchased 14 identical gift bags on clearance at Target (30 cents each).  I labeled the group number on each with bold permanent marker and then filled each bag with the supplies for a group work activity.  I could hold and distribute all 14 bags at the same time!  Late in the day my classroom flooded due to plumbing/drainage issues and my class needed to move quickly to another location.  I was SO glad that I could grab and go easily.  Also, many students commented on how colorful the bags made the room look so I’m thinking about getting holiday-themed bags for the winter season.  So…not only did I give the “gift” of science today, I made my life easier!