Testing Testing 123…

Yahoo! Midterms are over and I’m finally done grading and logging all of the results.  Report card grades are done and the much awaited second semester is here!  To some extent I can’t believe we are halfway through the year.  There are however other days (like today) that it feels like it should be spring already!  The midway point in the year is tough for my 11 year-old students.  They are faced with 4 exams covering all the content they have learned since September, (plus a whole skill set that they “should” have brought with them to 6th grade). During all the chaos and stress of midterms week I noticed that many of my students seem to struggle with using study strategies for test preparation.  I created this very simple study organizer (no really…it is not very fancy) for them to use for any subject.  Since many of my students took more than one and then used them for multiple subjects, I thought it might get even more use if I posted it here for download.

I now keep a ready stock of these in my classroom (copied on card weight paper) for students to use as needed.  This is the generation of test..test… and test again, so I feel I owe it to my students to help them through the process if possible.  Now I’m off to hunt for more study organization sheets online that might help my kiddos prepare for the next big test….and the next.