I’ll never forget my first week teaching in my “own” classroom with my “own” class of students. What an whirlwind that first week on the job was! I came home on that Friday and fell asleep on my living room floor still dressed in my work clothes. I’m pretty sure I even still had heels on (rookie mistake to wear heals huh?)…or at least that is the way my roommate at the time still tells the story. Needless to say, teachers…work…hard.
I’ve been working on some science root word mini posters for some time. The chaos of my daily routine has left this file on my desktop for months. I really wanted to get them done in time to do some vocabulary work before state testing but it just didn’t happen. Well, I finally had time to finish them tonight and I’m printing them to use next week. As I finished I got to thinking about all the extra hours teachers dedicate to planning lessons, creating materials and providing students with meaningful feedback. I don’t think about it too often, because I get such pleasure from my job that the extra time just flies by…but tonight I’m stepping back and thinking about all the other teachers who are probably grading papers or creating materials on a Saturday night as well. Soooo…I’ve decided to give these posters away for free for the entire week.
The Classroom Sparrow
Margaret Whisnant