What do you do with your middle school science students the last few days before holiday break? Captivate Science has some FUN ideas for you! How does snow relate to science? Capture the excitement of the season by getting your kids talking about Newton’s laws and Santa’s sleigh, animals that hibernate…and so much more!
Engaging your students and having fun at the same time is as easy as 1,2,3…
- Science Winter Walkabout Activity (Print and Go!)
- Holiday Incentive Coupons
- Science Ornament Making Activity
1. Science Winter Walkabout Activity

I created this activity to get my class moving and thinking about how science plays a role in their everyday (winter) lives. My students love to be out of their seats, especially during the last few days before break. This science walkabout engages students in science thinking and challenges as they move around the room. Not all the topics covered are part of our curriculum, but it is amazing how much background knowledge kids have to apply! Some of the questions are non-science related but serve to help me connect and learn more about my students and their traditions.

Print each page 1-20 (You can make 21-25 using the provided template if you would like more.)
Post them around the room and/or hallway.
Students can work alone or in small groups.
Each group or student starts at a different challenge. It is not not necessary to go in any order. (I told my students no more than 4 students at a challenge at any time.)
Copy one answer page per student or have them write their answers on a loose-leaf piece of paper. Give students time to “walk about” the room stopping to read, discuss and answer each posted science challenge.
Some of the challenges will take longer than others. Honestly, there are some questions that were challenging for my 6th graders! To help reduce anxiety I gave each student 4 holiday stickers (cut out but not peeled from the backing) that they could use as “FREE” passes on 4 challenges of their choice. Students were asked to put the sticker next to the number on their paper instead of writing their answer.
This took my students two class periods, but we had a lot of fun with it. I imagine kids could have moved faster through the questions, but there were some very productive group conversations and I felt it was worth the time. (Perfect for those last days before winter break!). It also took 2 days because we made it FUN with music and other shenanigans!
Fun: During the walkabout I played winter and holiday music and every 10 minutes I randomly drew a number for a raffle. Students who were currently working at the challenge number that I drew earned a fun winter treat (mini marshmallows or mini candy canes) and a middle school holiday incentive coupon. The kids absolutely loved this!
20 Questions to post around your classroom (PDF)
Student answer page (optional- kids can just use looseleaf paper or their journal)
Teacher answer key
PPT version with blanks for the text so you can edit questions to suit your class
This file is marked down during most of the holiday season leading up to break! Be sure to grab this download while it is on SALE!
2. Holiday Incentive Coupons for Middle School (and High School)
Let’s face it, even the big kids like to have a little extra fun during the holidays! A lot of teachers like to give a small gift to students, but I’ve never been able to afford gifts as a middle school teacher with classes over 120 students. Enter these HOLIDAY INCENTIVE COUPONS!

There are A LOT of different ways to use these with your classes.
- Print a few, punch a small hole in the corner and tie them together with a ribbon as a holiday gift for each student.
- Use them as prizes during your science holiday activities. Or do some random drawings in the weeks leading up to the holidays. For example, when kids are working at numbered lab tables, pull a lab table number and all the members win!
- Tape one inside each student’s science journal as a gift on the last day before break.
- Tape one to each student’s locker on the last day before break. Add a mini candy cane for a little extra cheer!

3. Science Ornament Activity
Shrinky dinks are appropriate for kids of ALL ages! I’ve been making these with my students for a few years now and they are a hit!
I recommend buying the “frosted ruff and ready” type because kids can use colored pencils! (This is much better than using sharpies with middle school kids.). I give each student 1/4 of an 8.5 x 11 sheet. You could give them more, but it gets expensive if you hav a lot of students like I do!

Have kids draw the design they want on regular paper first and then trace it onto the plastic sheet. (Or print a science image from the internet and trace that!)

I like to give my students suggestions for science ornament designs to pick from. Google “science jokes” or “science signs” and get tons of ideas! Cut and paste the images you find online into a document. (Put 4 per page so they are about the same size and the plastic each kid gets.) Print a few copies so kids can pick a tracing pattern! I also have kids who draw their own. Last year I gave a list of topics we had in our journals and kids drew their own pictures (see photosynthesis example).
Here are some science jokes to look up images for as patterns for your students.
- Technically, the glass is always full.
- Axis Tilt is the reason for the season.
- Oh Chemis-tree
- Water is a Polar Molecule
This site has a lot of cute ones! (Not all appropriate so be sure to screen them!)

NOTE: I always tell students these are holiday “decorations” not just ornaments because a good number do not celebrate Christmas. This frosted style of paper makes a great sun catcher to hang on the window or a magnet for your fridge.

This definitely takes a class period by the time kids pick an image, trace it and then color it. If there is extra time I have them make a holiday card to give it as a gift to a parent or sibling. While kids work I play holiday music, pass out mini mints and show these great Christmas YouTube videos from Mark Rober (former NASA engineer).
The weeks leading up to holiday break can be an exciting time. The kids have a ton of energy and will really appreciate some science holiday fun! Grab the Science Winter Walkabout to challenge your students and these Holiday Incentive Coupons to give them a gift that keeps on giving.
Keep Calm this holiday season and Science On!