I don’t know about you, but I love FREE stuff! I’m not one of those super-frugal types, but I really like to test things out before I spend my money. If you like to purchase time-saving resources to use in your classroom and want to get a glimpse at some of the great work out there, these FREE ebooks are for you.
Brain Waves Instruction, Literary Sherri, Getting Nerdy with Mel and Gerdy, and Lindsay Perro have worked to compile 4 FREE ‘Can’t Live Without It’ eBooks filled with 120 instant print-and-teach resources for all you busy teachers out there! The eBooks profile middle school and high school teacher-authors and include printable teaching resources from 30 TpT stores in each eBook. The eBooks are categorized for ELA, Math, Science, and Humanities (Social Studies, Art, Foreign Language, and more ELA). In them you’ll learn things that each TpT teacher-author can’t live without and you’ll receive a 1-page resource they think YOU can’t live without! They’re made especially for all of you and you can check them all out here: