Holiday fun activity for middle school science! I created this winter-themed activity to get my class moving and thinking about how science plays a role in their everyday lives. My students love to be out of their seats, especially during the last few days before winter break. This science walkabout engages students in science thinking challenges as they move around the room. Some of the questions are non-science related, but serve to help me connect and learn more about my students and their traditions.
Includes 20 walkabout “stops” where students stop to answer a science-themed or winter-themed question.
There are a few editable PDF pages included so that you can create your own questions to add to the activity.
Student answer page included with a sample answer key
Need a digital option? Here is the version using Google Forms (Its a little less challenging because there are multiple choice options!)
Play some holiday music and get your kids out of their seat for some winter science fun!
20 Questions to post around your classroom
Student answer page
Teacher answer key
PDF version
PPT version with blanks for the text so you can edit questions to suit your class

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