In this short (2:19) video, Oxygen tries to make it at ELEMENTary school! My students loved this video, which was a great springboard into our discussion about how elements bond together to form molecules and compounds.
Oxygen from Christopher Hendryx on Vimeo.
A catchy tune and some memorable examples make this video perfect for the middle school science student. Check it out!
They Might Be Giants – Meet the Elements from They Might Be Giants on Vimeo.
We watched this video just for fun in class and then I created this worksheet to extend the lesson for my tech-savy students. Not all my students have internet access, so I didn’t assign this for a required homework. A few of my struggling students took interest and so I awarded them extra credit (which they really need) for correctly completing this follow-up worksheet at home or in the school library.
Click HERE to download this worksheet!