Fall For a Good Book Freebie for the I’m SO Thankful Blog Hop!

Tis the season for gratitude, which is a the theme of today’s exciting blog hop and giveaway.  There are so many awesome freebies to be gathered and some pretty fantastic blogs to discover.


We are celebrating all that we are thankful for and that includes teachers!  We want to show all of you how much we appreciate you.  Teachers do so much and this is our time to give back and say thank you!  Thank you for following!  Thank you for participating!  Thank you for collaborating!  Thank you for sharing!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Looking for some fantastic fall resources for your classroom and some superb teacher-bloggers to follow?  Well…Here you go! 

How it works:
Join us by hopping through each blog and gathering lots of Thanksgiving and autumn freebies.  In each freebie you will find a picture of a pie with a word on it. That word will tell you something that teacher is thankful for.  Record all of the words on your recording sheet and follow each blog along the way so that you can enter the amazing giveaway at the end!

You may start anywhere along the hop, but if you would like to start at the beginning you may go here.  This is also where you will go in the end, for the giveaway!!

You have made it to blog stop number 20!

I’m so glad that you have stopped by Kate’s Classroom Cafe on your turkey trot from blog to blog!  Today I’m giving away one of my favorite reading lessons for grade 6 “Fall for a Good Book.”  I use this lesson when helping my reading class make “just right” book choices for independent reading during reading workshop.  The purpose of the lesson is to encourage students to test drive a book before deciding whether or not it is a good choice for them.  I hope you find it useful for your classroom!

Click the image below to download your freebie as part of the blog hop.  
  (Please note, this is a limited time giveaway.  The link to this document will expire after this blog hop is over!)

Now hop over to the next stop on your journey:

Thanks for visiting and happy teaching…
