Secondary Smorgasbord Happy Hour FREEBIES!

Monday is probably not the best time to start throwing around the words “happy hour”…because that seems SO far away right now.  But who says you can’t have a little late night happy hour of your own right now?  Set down that stack of papers you were grading, grab the beverage of your choice and check out this amazing collection of FREE downloads from some like-minded secondary teachers.

This is the time of year when I ask my students to do some more intense science writing.  I’ve been doing a lot of modeling and offering modified lab conclusions but now it’s time really get kids to take ownership of the science writing process.  Here is a science writing printable that will help your students with science responses.  It includes some posters, a student worksheet and some mini- checklists for students to affix to a journal page as a reminder while they write.  Enjoy!
(Click the image below to download.)
Be sure to over to the ELA Buffet or Desktop Learning Adventures to see all this month’s FREE and FABULOUS secondary resources!

Thanks for visiting Kate’s Classroom Cafe for the latest buzz.  If you teach middle school are in search of some fresh brewed ideas…