Starving at School? Nature Box $10 off deal, Plus Cyber Monday Sale at TpT!

How often are you slaving over stacks of papers after hours with a growling stomach?  I don’t know about you, but I confess to dipping into the classroom prize box a time or two in desperate search of a pick-me-up snack.  Enter…Nature Box.  A fellow snack-loving teacher at school introduced me to this healthy and convenient way to keep snacks on hand in your classroom and after a few months I am hooked!

My desk at the end of a typical day.  Feeling motivated with this bag of “sunshine chips.”

How it works:
1) Pick 5 snacks online from a huge list of choices.
2) Put in your school address for shipping.  Yup…this part is genius right?  I never have a free hand walking from my car to my classroom so this ensures that the snacks are right where I need them!
3) Pick from a variety of plans (The longer you sign up for, the sweeter the deal.)

Click any photo below for more information and use this link to get $10.00 OFF your first box! 

My Nature Box arrives (in a super sturdy, totally classroom reusable box)!

The hardest part is not opening every bag right away for a taste test.

 I have a hard enough time remembering everything my family needs at the grocery store, and by the time the lunches are packed and dinners made, there is not time for ME!  This has been such a time-saver this school year.  If I forget my lunch or just don’t have time to make one, I grab an apple and a yogurt and I know that I have a box of savory and healthy treats to enjoy in my classroom.

While your online cashing in on the Nature Box deal, don’t forget to check your wish list on TpT.  The Cyber Monday sale (which is actually Monday and Tuesday) is a great chance to grab some print and go resources at nearly 30% off.  Don’t forget to use code TPTCYBER at check out!

Happy Snacking and Cyber Monday Shopping!