I’m really working on classroom organization. It improves my productivity with students, so I know it is time well-invested. However, I have to admit that for the longest time I have been avoiding my paper file cabinet! Until recently, it was in need of a major makeover. I tried filling out those little plastic tabs that come with hanging files, but they never lined up neatly when I moved files around and they were just a pain to pinch into the little slots at the top of each folder! So, then I switched to manila folders, but they slump down and make it impossible to flip from folder to folder. Lesson learned.

I did a few things to prep for this project.
1) Get hanging files and make sure they fit in your cabinet. With a little adjustment, most file cabinets can accommodate the hanging-style folder.
2) Buy a 50 pack of bright, sturdy card-weight paper. (link to Amazon)

Here is how I beautified my file cabinet in 30 minutes. It worked really well for me, so I’m sharing my template below for you to use in your classroom. Hopefully you already have most of the items you need in your classroom.
I decided that I needed two categories of tabs for my classroom (science topic tabs and a set of tabs for general classroom management). I printed the science tabs to match the topics for middle school listed in the Next Generation Science Standards. This really helped me weed through papers because if they didn’t relate to an NGSS topic, I didn’t feel guilty about tossing them! For classroom management tabs, I made a list of items that I regularly find on my desk and made tabs that match those topics (exams, sub plans, meetings etc.). You can alternate paper colors or group them by topic. (EX: All science files green)
The tabs each teacher needs will vary so you will notice that the free download has a few pages that you can edit for your needs. You will need to have Adobe on your computer to edit this. So be sure to open the file in Adobe on your desktop before editing! Warning: If you only open it in Google Drive and start editing it will Not work or Save! Be sure to download and open it on your desktop so that your changes save.

Stay focused! Don’t stress over or read EVERY paper in your file cabinet. If you only have 30 minutes, skim and scan papers to determine whether they fit a topic or not. You might want to create a “Review Later Box” where you toss any item you find that doesn’t fit your new labels/tabs and you are not ready to throw away until you take a closer look. This will allow you to focus your time on the task of adding the bright file tabs and tidying up your existing files without getting sidetracked by worksheet nostalgia! You can always block off additional time later to sort those papers more carefully. (Chances are you will find out that stuff wasn’t as important as you thought!)

Staple each piece of colored card-weight paper to the front (or back if you prefer) of each hanging file folder. Be sure to measure how much room you have above the folder in your cabinet so that your pretty new tabs don’t get squished when you close the door!
Ready to have a colorful, clean and organized classroom? Join our Free Resource library BELOW for a pdf of my (editable) template! Remember, if you want to make custom tabs you will need to download the pdf to your desktop and change it using Adobe.

Subscribe BELOW to Captivate Science Free Resource Library to gain access to the file cabinet template and other great freebies!